Welcome to simplyworks.dev

Designing and building apps in Flutter with the end result of, it simply works!

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About our apps

Our apps are created to solve a need, without advertising. We work directly with the subject matter experts who actually use the apps on a regular basis, this leads to higher quality apps that are thoroughly tested by actual people and not just automated testing.

Easy to use design

Our designs are simple and effective. The objective is to have an app that is understandable and can be used without any additional instructions or training.

Reasonable settings

The settings that we add to the application are things we believe the users want to be able to change. Things like a dark mode for using the app in low light settings, or language selections in app as we know people may have their phone in one language but would prefer to have the app displaying something else.

TalkBack tested

We attempt to make our apps visually impaired friendly. We manually test using Google Android TalkBack to ensure what it says makes sense for someone who relies on audio feedback.

Clean code

We have been developing software for well over 20 years and we know the value of code that can be maintained over a long period of time. For us it is imperative to keep the code clean and maintainable for the long term.

Human tested & used

Our subject matter expects do indeed use these apps weekly if not daily. Since they use these apps we will hear about any issues as soon as they encounter them.

No advertising

We. hate. advertising. Therefore we will charge a small amount of money, about the cost of a pint, to purchase each of our apps. We understand that people may feel that this is too expensive for an app, if you feel that way there are plenty of free alternatives available.

App Screenshots

Our apps

Even though Flutter apps are inherently cross platform our apps are currently only available on Google Play. If there is a demand for our products on the Apple ecosystem we invest in the appropriate hardware to be able to publish to Apple.




  • Metronome & Measure modes
  • Many options & settings
  • Translated to other languages
  • View the privacy policy
  • Watch a video of the metrofome in action!

Private Teaching Aide



  • Tracking of students, lessons and payments for an individual teacher
  • Options & settings such as dark mode, backup/restore of the database to your Google Drive account, and exporting your data as a CSV
  • Translated to other languages
  • View the privacy policy